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An introduction...

Well met. I am Lady Jadwiga Wlodzislawska (OL), a resident of the Barony of Carriag Ban, a part of the Middle Kingdom. I am also a member of House Grayfox, also in the Middle Kingdom. These regions are part of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

I have always had more ambition than sense, and despite never having entered into an A&S Competition in my more-than-a-decade of membership, I've long imagined complex and difficult projects that I might one day enter. Discovering the 50 Challenge has given me that opportunity.

Come May 1st, 2015, the society will have reached it's 50th anniversary and to celebrate this wonderful hobby of ours, everyone is encouraged to make - or take part in - 50 items or events to enrich ourselves and the society as a whole. It is my hope to be able to display it in as many kingdoms as possible leading up to - and probably beyond - the 50th Anniversary and to that end I am raising money (per venue) in order to cover the costs of travel.

I have decided to take my inspiration from the Bayeux Tapestry and document historic moments of the Society. 50 years, 50 panels. My tapestry is done on ordinary muslin with DMC Cotton #5, instead of hand spun and dyed wool. While the specialty wool was available to me, I was afraid that in the long run the wool would become too cost prohibitive for such a large project. I also wished to use a greater range of colors in order to accurately depict any heraldry necessary to document SCA history.

The Roman numerals at the top of the page will take you to the corresponding tapestry images for that Society year or use the button below to start the tour.

The purpose of this website is to preserve SCA history as well as to educate current and future members. I encourage others to share this page to that end and to give credit where credit is due.

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