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AS XXVI - It's all about the fight

Gulf Wars started this year - a battle fought between Trimaris and Ansteorra within the boundaries of Meridies. A Lord Blackwolf of Tirmaris threw a gauntlet down at the feet of their Ansteorran majesties during the baronial court of Stargate, resulting in a war in June of this year. The third Gulf War was moved from June to March, making AS XXVIII a year of two Gulf Wars.

Armorgeddon, a border skirmish fought between the northern reaches of the Middle Kingdom and the Kingdom of Calontir started this year. It was the birthplace of the Shadewe's Company, represented by the two standing to the right of the Ansteorran king. Shadewe's Company is a mercenary household that would become the longest lived and biggest mercenary group of what would eventually become Northshield.

In February of this year, it was ruled that the College of Heralds would no longer register Elven names, effectively putting the end to the fantastical elements of the Society's early days. The Elven word in the top margin means "farewell".  

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