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A special and ever growing thanks to the following -

Duke Sir Dagan du Darregonne - without this good gentle, I may never have joined the Society. It is his many stories that inspire my continued research

My sister Katie - I would be embroidering stick figures without her illustrating skills.

Cian of the Amber Mists and his Lady Kharmin - my link to Horde history and the early days, always willing to tell me a tale in exchange for some mead!

House Grayfox - my main cheerleaders and supporters.

Baron Hirsch von Henford - keeper and maintainer of the West Kingdom History Project. It was ever so wonderful of him to take time to clarify conflicting points of early history.

Dame Alianora da Lysharet - my source for all things early Atenveldt and not bothered by my random pestering.

Master Khevron - for helping with Oertha questions and finding a sweet piece of trivia for AS XXVII

Gabrielle of the Marshes - of St. Aldhelm and the Barony of Politarchopolis for giving me the skinny on the Inter College War and filling an empty year!

Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage from the Barony of Southron Gaard who has been my early and continuing informant for interesting things from the the most southernly kingdom.

Ioseph of Locksley – who sought me out and gave me his story.

Sir Trude of Lacklandia – who gave me her blessing and the details of her accomplishments. Because of her, I can fight this Pennsic.

Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor - filling in year AS XLII and suggesting that perhaps the angelic Oertha has a fiery temper.

Baroness Cathryn of Chester, the A&S 50 Challenger Midrealm Coordinator, for choosing to feature yours truly in an article for the Middle Kingdom's A&S Monthly newsletter.

Dame Merouda Pendray for the video of the tapestry on display at Boar's Head in Northshield, Nov '10.

Lady Agnete von Freiburg - gave me everything I needed to know about Avacal's Quad War, both the initial question and subsequent research! 

Baroness Catriona nicHugh McIaey, Baroness Brendoken - for the "other story" regarding the first Pennsic War.

Lady Berengaria, Lady Jacintha, Lord Fergus, and Ed the Tinker for the invite, the tent, and the feeding of myself and my tapestry at Highland Foorde's Highland River Meele.

Lady Rosamund Blaunchflur, Barony of Wiesenfeuer, for a much needed trivia bit for year AS XXXV.

Baroness Dafne Fraser for giving me "eyes on the ground" for Gleann Abhann's fight with Katrina.

Mistress Katherine Kerr of the Barony of Southron Gaard for organizing and leading fundraisers to bring myself and the tapestry to Lochac. 

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