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AS XLV - As numerous as the stars

In order to get a better sense of what members felt the Society was about or what they wished to see, or even why they left the organization, a census was put forth in order that all members, past and present, could give voice to what would improve the Society.

The Barony of Sun Dragon, located in the the Kingdom of Atenveldt, flies its banner on the International Space Station, laying claim to all of space. The banner flew over three expeditions.

(Ed. Note - It is not the intent of the artist to suggest that the Barony of Sun Dragon's claim usurps that of the Barony of Bryn Gwald. Due to the transitory population of the ISS, this claim will continue to be re-made until such time a permanent population takes residence in space. Rather, it is the intent of the artist to instigate a yearly battle between any Barony that has made legitimate claim to the realms above, winner takes the stars. A rapier tourney, in deference to Don Shamino's precedence, for the (unofficial) honor to be called the Margrave of Aether.)

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