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AS XXV - Silver Jubilee

In the 25th year of the Society, a queen by her own hand was crowned. Rowan Beatric von Kampfer won the right to crown herself Queen of Ansteorra and make Hector Philip Martel her King-Consort. They faced each other in the final bout of the tourney.

The rainbow in the top margin is for the the Barony of Sun Dragon, located in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. The baronial banner was taken by Herr Ulf Von Greiffenburg to Desert Shield and Desert Storm where it saw its first combat. Other mission follow this excursion, allowing the barony to staking potential claim to the mundane Middle East as well as locations far beyond.

The sphere in the top margin is the Pearl of Great Price, a baronial award from the Barony of Stargate. The well-written mythology deserved mention as an inspiration to always be deserving of honor given.

In the lower right hand margin is the Flaming Weasel, another baronial award, this one from the Barony of Wiesenfeuer. This award is unique in Society culture. Instead of awarding skill or service, deeds of valor or moments of heroic bravery, it commemorates epic errors of shameful doings.

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